Stadtwerke Wertheim GmbH offers its customers a complete service package for electricity, natural gas, drinking water and heat across a supply area of over 190 square kilometres. What’s more, with its comprehensive commitment to the environment and local people, the company makes it clear that it provides „Die Energie vor Ort“. Our task was to depict this message – the core positioning of the company – and the many sub-areas of the company in a big picture. And we solved it.

Client: Stadtwerke Wertheim GmbH
Stadtwerke Wertheim GmbH supplies over 20,000 customers in the region safely and reliably with electricity, gas, drinking water and heat. The supply area covers 190 square kilometres. It includes the area of the district town of Wertheim and the market town of Kreuzwertheim as well as Freudenberg. As „Die Energie vor Ort“, the company positions itself and is committed to the people who live in Wertheim and the surrounding area above and beyond its supply mandate: The company’s actions are focussed on meeting and fulfilling their wishes and needs and are an integral part of its corporate philosophy.
Task: A visual corporate mission statement is needed!
Whether “normal” consumers, building owners or major commercial customers: Stadtwerke Wertheim offers its customers a comprehensive package of services covering all aspects of electricity, water, drinking water and heating. But that’s by no means all: in and around the large district town of Wertheim, Stadtwerke Wertheim GmbH not only stands for quality and security of supply, but also for sustainability, climate protection and social commitment. Starting with the expansion of electromobility and the supply of Main-Tauber-E-Mobil natural electricity through to social commitment in local associations: The company does a lot to make Wertheim and the surrounding area the liveable region on the Main and Tauber rivers that it is. Stadtwerke Wertheim GmbH wanted to present this diversity of services and commitment to the public in a compact and clear way. The main challenge here was to present the different areas of the company and to position them perfectly geographically.
CLIENT: Stadtwerke Wertheim GmbH
SCOPE OF SERVICES: Big Picture in print, digital and interactive versions
BUDGET: five-digit
Implementation: Step by step to the finished corporate mission statement
After the kick-off of the project, Stadtwerke Wertheim GmbH provided us with extensive visual material and texts. Based on this, Big Pictury developed the first drafts for the Big Picture and worked on them step by step in subsequent digital meetings. In the final phase of the project, the Big Picture was first presented to the company’s management team and then to the entire workforce. Final feedback and change requests were taken on board and implemented in the big picture. The finished Big Picture was then presented for the first time in time for the Supervisory Board meeting at the end of November 2023. In future, the Big Picture will be used in job interviews, during guided tours and on the company’s website (as an interactive click version).
“With our Big Picture of Stadtwerke Wertheim, we can show and explain our range of services to our customers and partners in one picture.”

The finished Big Picture as a digital version with info boxes
Template as the basis for the big picture